
CEMI Resources is an online hub providing training, technical assistance, and guidance for community organizations to help them influence inclusive economic development in their communities, cities, and regions.

Comprehensive Resource Bank

This resource bank is intended to connect frontline community groups, nonprofits, policymakers, and businesses to materials relevant to accessing federal infrastructure funding. It comprises toolkits, networks, technical assistance, and links to relevant funding resources that center community. There is currently a vast amount of information available to meet this once-in-a-generation moment. Partners in the Communities First Infrastructure Alliance compiled this evolving list of go-to resources to help communities sift through some of that information.

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Connect to Build: Frontline Organization and Federal Infrastructure Funding Opportunities

This report explores how certain organizations are using government funds to address the needs of frontline communities and communities of color. It discusses successful approaches and recommendations for leveraging these opportunities, as well as challenges faced by these organizations.

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Session 3 Recording: Intro to Anti-Racist Results Based Accountability

Explore Antiracist Results-Based Accountability (AR RBA), an evaluative framework for advancing racial equity goals. Discover the 7 Antiracist Impact Principles, learn the strategy development learning loop, and gain insights from real-world applications to equitable economic development initiatives.

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Racial Equity: Getting to Results

Guide from Erika Bernabei and Government Alliance on Race & Equity (GARE) that considers the application of a racial equity lens to the Results Based Accountability framework and includes a six-part strategic approach to institutional change.

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The Results-Based Accountability Guide

With the included step-by-step instructions and template, this resource from Clear Impact provides leaders and facilitators with a roadmap for implementing the Results Based Accountability framework in organizational decision-making.

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Learning to be Accountable for Anti-Racist Impact

Article from Strong, Prosperous, and Resilient Communities Challenge (SPARCC) that discusses how SPARCC utilized the Anti-Racist Results Based Accountability framework with guidance from Equity & Results to help national and local community partners create a shared impact framework.

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The Race, Research & Policy Portal (RRAPP)

The Race, Research & Policy Portal (RRAPP) is a resource designed by the Institutional Antiracism and Accountability Project, a collaborative team of students, academics, and experts focused on effecting antiracist organizational change across private, public, and nonprofit sectors. RRAPP provides free access to research publications on diversity, racial equity, and antiracist organizational change.

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Session 2 Slide Deck: Values-Based Data and Analysis

Presentation slides referenced in session.

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Session 2 Recording: Values-Based Data and Analysis

Recording of zoom session that focuses on how to shift the narrative on economic development by using equity-focused data analysis methods and tools.

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TCC Mapping Tool for Disadvantaged Unincorporated Communities

Strategic Growth Council (SGC) developed a mapping tool to fill gaps in data on unincorporated areas.

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A mapping tool that helps identify California communities that are most affected by many sources of pollution and where people are often especially vulnerable to pollution’s effects. The tool uses environmental, health, and socioeconomic information to produce scores for every census tract in the state and the scores are mapped so that different communities can be compared.

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Race and the Work of the Future: Advancing Workforce Equity in the United States | PolicyLink

This PolicyLink report presents a framework for considering workforce equity, a collaborative approach to equity-focused workforce strategies, and national and regional analyses to inform tailored and targeted solutions.

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Advancing Workforce Equity in Metro Detroit

This report contains data in Metro Detroit on 1) Drivers of Inequity; 2) Demographic Change & The Benefits of Equity; 3) Long-Term Labor Market Trends; 4) The Good Jobs Gap; 5) An Uneven Recovery; and 6) Automation Risk and Resilience.

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ReWork the Bay, 9 County Bay Area – State of Bay Area Workers One Pager

The State of Bay Workers data tool examines 15 indicators about work and workers within the Bay Area region.

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Advancing Workforce Equity in the Bay Area

This report offers a comprehensive analysis of long-standing racial gaps in labor market outcomes, the economic impacts of Covid-19, and the racial equity implications of automation on the Bay Area economy. The report also provides a blueprint for action to advance workforce equity informed by the data and crafted by local leaders.

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Advancing Workforce Equity | PolicyLink

National and local reports produced in collaboration with local leaders and analyze tailored workforce data, identify the key drivers of inequity, and prioritize actional strategies to advance equity through their policy efforts, programs, and investments.

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Margins in Movement: Toward Belonging in the Inland Empire

An OBI report on narrative research project in the Inland Empire.

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USC’s Equity Research Institute (ERI) California Immigrant Data Portal (CIDP)

The CIDP is a resource and progress tracker for immigrants and those serving immigrant communities across California. The data indicators are designed to track changes over time, compare across geographies, and disaggregate by race, immigration status, and other features as much as possible.

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Data Center on Research Justice

Research Justice is a strategic framework that seeks to achieve self-determination for marginalized communities. It centralizes community voices and leadership in an effort to facilitate genuine, lasting social change.

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A report from Chicago Beyond that explores seven power dynamics at play in the production of knowledge and lays out practices for centering the authorship, ownership, and leadership of communities of color in research that affects them.

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Session 1 Small Group Activity: Equitable Governance in Cross-Sector Collaboration

Slides of small group activities done in breakout rooms during this session.

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Session 1 Recording: Equitable Governance in Cross-Sector Collaboration

Recording of zoom session that introduced collaborative governance models that centered community and worker representatives, alongside public sector and business groups, in decision-making processes.

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Case Study: Opportunity Chicago

Collective impact effort that aimed to help public housing residents in Chicago find quality jobs by connecting them with workforce development resources.

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Racial Equity Toolkit

Toolkit from Collective Impact Forum designed to support backbone staff and partners to operationalize racial equity throughout their collective impact work.

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UC Berkeley Labor Center Series on High Road Training Partnerships

The Labor Center’s High-Road Training Partnerships Project supports the California Workforce Development Board’s HRTP Initiative in modeling and expanding workforce training partnerships that are worker-centered, industry-led and aligned with key policy goals of equity, job-quality, and sustainability. Promising Practice 1: Industry-Led Problem Solving Promising Practice 2: The Industry Partnership Itself is A Priority Promising Practice 3: Incorporate Worker Wisdom Throughout the Partnership Promising Practice 4: The Industry Partnership Drives Training Solutions Essential Element 1: Industry Led Problem Solving Essential Element 2: The Industry Partnership Itself is a priority Essential Element 3: Worker Voice Essential Element 4: Industry Drives Training Solutions

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California Workforce Development Board – High Road Training Partnerships Initiative

The High Road Training Partnerships (HRTP) initiative started as a $10M demonstration project designed to model partnership strategies for the state. Ranging from transportation to health care to hospitality, the HRTP model embodies the sector approach championed by the Board — industry partnerships that deliver equity, sustainability, and job quality.

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Transforming U.S. Workforce Development Policies: For the 21st Century

Policy report that includes a wide range of case studies that examine recommendations for improving workforce training and education programs, increasing access to training and job opportunities for underserved populations, and utilizing technology and innovation to enhance the effectiveness of workforce development initiatives.

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Case Study Series on Work-Life Balance in Large Organizations

Answers how workforce systems can take a holistic approach to workforce development that includes addressing work/life balance challenges and improving job quality, which can lead to benefits for both workers and employers.

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Sector Strategies in Austin: A Case Study in Workforce Planning

Provides insights into the potential benefits of sector strategies as a tool for addressing workforce development challenges and promoting economic growth in local communities.

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Case Study: Apprenticeships Answer Emerging Workforce Demands

Highlights how apprenticeships can be an effective strategy for addressing workforce shortages in the healthcare industry and how organizations can collaborate to implement these programs.

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Case Study: Partners for a Competitive Workforce

A collective impact initiative that addresses the skills gap in the region by linking workforce development with employer demand.

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Case Study: The Road Map Project

Project improved graduation attainment for low-income and minority students to ensure they will have opportunity to obtain well paid careers in the region.

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Equity, Growth and Community: What the Nation Can Learn From America’s Metro Areas

A book where Chris Benner and Manuel Pastor investigate the link between economic growth and inequality, arguing that concerted local action is necessary to bring equity and growth together. The book uses statistical analysis and case studies from 11 metro regions to provide instructive models and insights into how diverse communities can work together to address the challenges of job growth, economic inequality, and political polarization.

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Case Study: Memphis Fast Forward

Coalition of buisnesses and government leaders launch a multi-layered collective impact initiative designed to increase economic prosperity and quality of life in Greater Mephis Tennesse.

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Solidarity Economics: Why Mutuality and Movements Matter

Chris Benner and Manuel Pastor's book propose an alternative approach to economic development, known as solidarity economics, which is based on three cenrtral points. First, they emphasizee that it is "our" economy, not just "the" economy, and we need to address current issues of inequality. Second, they highlight the importance of mutuality. Thirdly, the authors advocate for social movements to support this alternative approach.

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Structuring Development for Greater Community Benefit

This report from the Othering and Belonging Institute is part of a larger body of research exploring ways to structure a development process to align with community well-being and leveraged to reinvest substantial resources into the community. It led to the visioning process from which Richmond LAND was launched.

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Collective Impact Forum

Online resource hub for Collective Impact initiatives.

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The Four Pivots: Reimagining Justice, Reimagining Ourselves

"Shawn Ginwright, and NPQ article adapted from a chapter in the book "

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From Community Engagement to Ownership: Tools for the Field with Case Studies

Report and framework for shifting the role of marginalized communities along a spectrum toward greater power in decision-making.

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Racial Equity Toolkit: An Opportunity to Operationalize Equity

Toolkit from the Government Alliance for Race and Equity outlining the network’s core framework.

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From Seed to Harvest: A Toolkit for Collaborative Racial Equity Strategies

Tool from Race Forward that offers a framework and systematic process to build cultures of accountability and work towards racial equity outcomes in decision-making.

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Co-Governing for Multiracial Democracy

New report released jointly by Partners for Dignity and Rights and Race Forward that offers a framework for integrating power-building strategies led by movement groups with conceptions of democracy and collective governance.

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