CEMI Learning Tracks

CEMI Learning Tracks

As of February 2024, the CEMI Technical Assistance Team has initiated 5 Learning Tracks, consisting of a sequence of interactive online sessions. These tracks are structured to accommodate participants with specific plans or projects they aim to refine or kickstart during their engagement. Aligned with each track’s theme, participants will engage in workshops and consultations tailored to nurture the progression of their concrete project or plan over a 6 to 9-month learning period. The tracks are lead by CEMI TA Team and a compilation of guest speakers

The 5 Learning Track Themes


The Funding Track will allow you to assess your organization’s current funding structures and understand strategies for accessing and/or impacting public funding coming to your community.

  1. Provide big picture context for nonprofit funding, particularly as it relates to public funding.

  2. Provide an opportunity for participating organizations to assess their current funding structures and systems and strategize around long-term sustainability.

  3. Support participating organizations to strategize around accessing and/or impacting public funding in their communities.

  4. Contribute, individually and collectively, to the work of changing the public narrative around grassroots groups and public funding in particular (“charity” to “stewards”).

  5. Connect fund development with the tenets of Solidarity Economics: Our Economy, Mutuality, Movements.


The Data Track will help you assess your current relationship to data and clarify your organizational data needs and vision.

  1. Ground CEMI organizations in evolving conversations about Data Justice and the need for frontline communities to define and participate in research agendas, data collection, and data interpretation. 

  2. Help CEMI organizations assess their current relationship to data (some might call “data capacity”).

  3. Help CEMI organizations clarify data needs and vision by discerning: 1) questions they want to answer; 2) proof they need; 3) whether they are/want to become data consumers, creators, and/or partners.

  4. Support each organization in a related data project that begins or continues (or in other way builds) their internal data capacity and culture.

Power Mapping

The Power Mapping Track will allow you to gain the tools, skills and training necessary to create and make use of Power Analyses related to a particular campaign, issue or strategy an organization is looking to build power and influence around. Participants will have the opportunity to support the completion and self-empowerment around navigating a holistic Power Map of their region in order to work in strategic collaboration to influence decision makers on a local, regional and state level.

  1. Familiarize participants with the power mapping tool and weave it to their current work. 
  2. Support with developing a strategic plan of action for campaigns or general issues. 
  3. Create peer to peer learning across regions, and form strategic partnerships. 
  4. Strengthen research skills.

Organizing & Movement Building

The Organizing & Movement Building Track will allow you to gain the knowledge, skills and tools you need to develop an organizing strategy and increase the capacity of/for leadership development within your organization.

  1. Develop an organizing strategy based on the specific goals, skillsets and historical context of your organization.

  2. Identify best practices to effectively engage and develop community members into a consistent and sustained presence within your organization.

  3. Engage best practices for organizational and inter/intra-personal facilitation, including navigating decision making and establishing accountability processes. 

  4. Provide skill building and training opportunities on various topics to support the leadership development of organizers.

  5. Understand the implications of and strategies for building power through maintaining strong and dynamic coalitions and partnerships.

Policy & Government Systems Change

The Policy & Government  Systems Change Track will allow you to understand local, county, state and federal governmental systems and players while building practices within your organization in order to be able to more regularly engage in policy fights that impact the people you serve.

  1. Provide an overview of policy change processes and the organizational capacity needed to engage in policy and systems change.


  2. Provide context for the role nonprofits play in systems change and resources for understanding limits of nonprofit advocacy. Think about goals for nonprofit participation in the future.


  3. Help organizations identify their: 1) areas of policy impact or engagement; 2) internal and external resources for engaging in advocacy. 

  4. Provide tools and training for landscape analyses of policies and players that impact the issues critical to your organization (includes understanding roles of and relationships between local, county, state, and federal governments and policies)


  5. Provide tools, training, and case studies for building winning policy campaigns (including organizing, leadership development, narratives, coalition work, etc.)


  6. Provide tools and training to support long-term policy implementation and tracking to ensure desired impact in the community.
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